What we can do for your organization

We can help you reach more donors, and at the same time make it easier for anyone that wants to donate to your organization. Your supporters will have the opportunity to go online 24/6 and securely donate to you. How many times do people get a chinese auction booklet and plan on giving, but end up misplacing it, or forgetting to mail or fax their order on time. With the power of the internet we offer the opportunity to reach donors all over the world. We can list your Chinese Auction, Raffle or Dinner Campaign, giving donors the chance to buy tickets, place ads or just give Tzedakah to your campaign.Our sophisticated website can handle all types of ticket pricing as well as free entries and free gifts.

Our Process

First, we need all the information associated with your event or campaign. Usually, the information that we need is the same information found on your printed material. We will also need you to furnish us with the graphic files (preferably in PSD format) of the pictures we will be posting(i.e. Prizes,Raffle tickets, etc.). The graphic designer or marketing firm will be able to provide them. For Events offering prizes we need you to decide on what your policy will be in regards to shipping of prizes for winners who don't live in your area. It may vary from prize to prize. For instance a Dining room set is not something that makes sense to ship. It is up to each organization to decide. Your options can include covering the cost of shipping the prize, or leaving the costs as the responsibility of the winner or a combination.

Once we have all the information we will upload your event to our site and then the sky is the limit. We will be doing our own marketing to promote the site to increase traffic and donations. You would be advised to include on your printed mailing our website as an option to donate and buy tickets. We will provide an option of listing your event as a separate page on our site (i.e. www.etzedaka.com/yourchineseauction).

Once donations come in we will send you a detailed listing of all donations from each donor. For Auctions and Raffles we will also provide labels for each ticket purchased, so that you can just attach it to your ticket stubs. Each one will provide the name and information of the donor as well as the name of the designated prize .

For more information or to list your event please contact us. We can be reached by email or by phone at 773.563.0882.